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Our Highschool!

INS Antoni Pous i Argila is in Manlleu, a city located in the central part of the Osona region, on the riverside of Ter river. Manlleu was a relevant city related to the textile industry and that's very important nowadays because their past explains the growth of the city and its social and cultural diversity. 

Manlleu has a relevant range of migrant population from around the world, especially from Morroco. This distinctive feature is reflected in our high school in which there are almost around 40% of students of this migrant origin. So, plurilingualism is one of the main characteristics of our centre: Catalan, Spanish, English,  Amazig, Arabic, Punjabi, Polish, Romanian, African languages, etc. 

Due to the economic crisis and social inequalities, poverty is one of the main problems in Manlleu, so an important part of our students are in conditions of social vulnerability. So, the social inclusion and equity is the main target in our high school. 

For this reason, any project addressed to provide equal opportunities to our students and to improve their capabilities and skills is very valuable for us. So, GEP program is a great opportunity for our centre. 

This year our highschool has started the GEP Program involving three teachers: a music teacher, a maths teacher and a science teacher.


​For further information you can visit our website:

Where are we:


Av. Roma 260
08560 Manlleu

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